Monday, April 14, 2008

A Lovely Visitor Pays a Visit

A little cutie dropped in for a visit recently.  She was dressed in her finery, spreading her cheer and smiles with her auntie.

Ella and piano2 Ella and piano

First she played the piano.  For special effect the fan was blowing, perhaps to encourage a little hair movement?

Ella and Bosco

We played Barbies for a while then our dog lured her with one of his toys.  Nothing like a game of tug-a-war!

Looks like both sides were trying to get the "edge" on each other... poor Bosco, it sucks to have wood floors with nothing to grab!  Little niece however, has NO problem finding things to grab onto! 

Ella and Bosco3


Minutes later neither side had budged much and both were getting just a little tired.

Shortly after this photo they decided it was a tie and both dropped out, pooped, to rest in their perspective corners... Bosco LOVES kids that play with him!

Ella and Bosco5 You may or may not have noticed that my niece's leotards are no longer on her during this playtime.  At the tender age of 5 this child has incredible tact.....  she was sitting on the floor shortly before playing with my dog when she looked at her nylons and then she told me she was "quite warm" so could she take the leotards off, please?  No problem I replied, so off they went.  A short time later she went downstairs and was bouncing on our couch when her brother noticed she was bare legged and wondered out loud hadn't she come with leotards on??  That darling little angel, jumping happily in all her glory, hollered across the room to him, "Yeah but they were COVERED in dog hair so I had to get 'em off!!". 

It was very funny and she is on her way to being quite the courteous little lady....just needs a little more fine tuning to have it perfected!  You have to wait until auntie has LEFT the room before blurting out the real reason you took the leotards off!  (although I did have a sneaky suspicion....)

Ella washing her hands

Here she is, washing her cute little hands before we had a snack.

I like to sit and watch her play, remembering when my daughter was her age.  Where did the time go?  When did my daughter stop playing with her Barbies and Little Pet Shop animals?  When did she stop looking like this with those little hands and feet, wanting to dress up and dreaming up the wildest stories for us to play?

Niece of mine, I know you are in a hurry to grow up and do "big girl" things but please, not too fast.  You are the youngest and we all know what has already come and gone with our other children.  We'd like you to just take your time and let us enjoy this briefest of time in your life.  It is a great joy for us and we don't want it to end too soon.....


Elle Jay Bee said...

What a sweet story!! I laughed out loud at her "confession"! I can just picture her jumping like that, and saying (in a loud voice) her real reason for shedding her tights! I would have countered that she probably got the hair from Maggie!!


Anonymous said...

Hey, you have a young visitor at home. I think you had a good with her. Because she is very cute. And you have posted a nice story. And here I have some information about leotards

onelittlemustardseed said...

Waaa, i lost my first comment! This was a joy to read! Ella wants to go to your place and you just need to let me know when!!

Also, the dude above is a spammer...