Tuesday, May 6, 2008

2008 River Watch

I live in New Brunswick, Canada, along the Fundy coast.  This is the worst year for flooding since 1973.  We are so far not affected, thank goodness, nor should we be.  The flooding river is "over the hill and down the valley" from us so this whole region would be affected before we would worry.  It would require an ark to help us at that point as the water would have to rise awfully high to get past that little mountain.

Some people know that we had some minor flooding during two severe winter storms that passed through within 2 weeks of each other.  That was due to unusual conditions - namely, heavy rainfall and ice.  The drainage systems were unable to work properly with the ice and amount of sudden rain, so everything basically overflowed throughout the cities in the region.

We have renovated the area in the lower floor that presented the water problem and it should not happen again....

You might also wonder if we could flood from our lake.  The answer to that would be "possibly" ~ where there is water there is the chance.  The levels would have to rise to a height never seen before and the calamity needed to cause THAT to happen would devastate the entire
Valley region.

So thank you for your concern, to all who inquired.  It is a nasty blow to the homes and businesses who did flood as it is likely they also suffered from the winter weather I mentioned above.


candy said...

found your blog from another canadian blogger that i just found!
thought id say HI :)
Im orginally from Nfld but now live in edmonton.
my cousin lives down the street to some places that got flooded real bad in NB. i seen her pics on facebook..really something. glad you guys are all fine!


Susan said...

Hi sis - glad everything is ok, I thought it was because of where you live - but was waiting for your village to be mentioned to know if you were in danger or not. It's bad enough that your basement flooded already this winter!! any pictures of the new decor?
Everything is ok here...I'm home due to anemia again, so I've caught up some reading and sleep and taking iron pills again. Holly-Anne is counting down to the end of school year, toby is on a new contract for three months, and Graham is developing into a real character. Any chance you can come visit this year???