Thursday, July 17, 2008

Some Folks I Know

Recently a parade of family traipsed through our area. We were lucky enough to have a gathering or two chez moi and I broke out the camera to catch some "locals" on tape, so to speak....

Here is one of my nieces, on our trampoline. Our trampoline has a security net which makes it easier for the wee ones to safely jump to their hearts' content while making sure their mommies' hearts don't stop in panic!

Piggy back rides were the order of the day with each little girl taking a turn hiking the others on her back. More often than not one or both riders ended up crashing to the trampoline floor in giggling fits...

Here a few of the visiting ladies enjoy some quiet moments on our dock, as the sun sets. There were kids at the raft and others in kayaks. Keen eyes watched through the splashing and fun to ensure everyone arrived safely back to shore.

One of my nephews makes his way back to shore after exploring the lake in a kayak. This handsome fellow had a bit of adventure prior to launching the boat out on water; he spotted snake in our lawn...and received a nip or two when he tried to catch it. It was a garden variety and aside from exciting the mothers for a few moments while we determined the severity of the situation (and what his parents' reaction was going to be) all turned out well. Little snake carried on his way and my nephew opted to head out to open waters...

Here is hubby relaxing after a Bbq with family. Hubby has worked many overtime hours the past couple of weeks and the chance to relax with family and chat about life was a welcome break for him.

Here is daughter with her beloved Nana. This photo was taken on Nana's porch - and didn't I tell you in the last post that more pictures were coming from her beautiful grounds? Her back deck is the perfect backdrop for portraits and family shots.

Here Nana enjoys the three littlest girls who also happen to be her youngest grandchildren. The girls were good sports as I rustled and hustled them around Nana and encouraged them to relax and look natural. These little beauties are going to break a lot of hearts when they get older - just check out the eyes and the smiles!!

Here one niece rests from the trampoline and enjoys a very lady-like moment with some Cream Soda. She needed no encouragement to pose like this; she's a natural for the camera!

Two cousins beach their kayaks after a turn around our lake. Honestly they make it look so easy but if you've ever tried a kayak, those suckers tip and sway just by the operator BREATHING! I've only tried it once and did not feel comfortable away from the shore.

Little niece borrowed my daughter's glasses and she thought it was an absolute HOOT to look through them! All the little fingerprints on the glass didn't help but she sure liked what she saw!


Susan said...

Fabulous photos, Patricia. Especially of Nana with her grandkids, and with Kristen. I like the one on the water, too. and how do you change the background on your blog? I really like it. See you soon!!! love Susan

Elle Jay Bee said...

Awesome pictures!!
Thanks for sharing them, Patricia!


onelittlemustardseed said...

Beautiful photos and an amazingly fun, relaxing time! Truly the memories of summer!

All your narrations of our family events should be transformed into a book for each of the kids! They are all so beautifully written and photographed.